Minggu, 29 Juni 2014

The Easy Ways to Avoid Cancer

Nama  : Rizki Anandari Yuliati
NPM  : 16210122
Kelas  : 4EA16

Apparently, the cancer risk can be avoided by easy ways. The cancer instructor at Cancer Foundation of Indonesia, D.Nurcahyo said that there are easy ways to avoid cancer.

First, multiply the consumption of antioxidants. Raw foods that contain lots of antioxidants are vegetables such as broccoli, mustard greens, bitter melon, tomatoes, carrots, celery, papaya leaves, and nuts. The fruits are, papaya, apples, grapes, pears, melon, watermelon, and guava. Then antioxidants can be found in the soybean and marine fish.

Second, drink water more. Nurcahyo suggested the consumption of water is about 10-12 glasses of water/day. He said that the perfect time to consume water that is when you wake up, before and after your meals and before going to the bed .

Third, do regular exercises. Fourth, if you need, you have to do immunotherapy. This method is an attempt to counteract cancer cells by increasing the immune response. Cancer is a tumor that has become malignant. In general, cancer patients will experience a number of complaints such as, shortness of breath, asthma, and weight loss without dieting.

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